
Always have fun.

It's purpose of life!



Front-End Developer

It's Me


I live in Poland, Bialystok. I graduated "Social Work" on the University of Bialystok sincerely wanting to help others.

I endeavour to a comprehensive progress - spirit, body and mind. Every day I want to learn something new, to improve my skills, to be better and more aware man.

How did I start programming?

On 17.01.2017, came back home from the university disappointed with the level of higher education, I decided I would begin to study on my own. I turned on online tutorial and I've coded up to now with the help of Internet knowledge and practice. It was very difficult and it cost me many crisis moments. But I didn't give up and didn't regret my decision. Programming, by learning and increasing my skills, has become my plan for future life. It's fascinating how vast amount of knowledge I have learned and what I can learn during my journey.

Me as Front-End Developer

My plan for the future

My goal is to get my first job as a programmer so that I can devote my full attention and develop my skills on a full-time basis. I'm currently involved in an informal project as a Front-End Developer, and learning React.js and improve my skills in pure Javascript(ES6 + Typescript). I am interested and open to various technologies and I am sure that someday I will delve them.

What programming has taught me?

With a clear conscience I can write - much. I will only mention the three most important skills:

  1. 1. Tenacity. Programming is not an easy route. It requires enormous work, during which many encounters - walls, barriers not to pass. In addition, there are various types of errors that you do not know how to solve. As a fighter one thing I am sure - I will never give up in progressing and resolving the difficulties encountered in my way. I will learn and trying until I understand. I have everything I need only time.
  2. 2. Progress. It is a programming synonym for me. Learning new things and improve what you have worked out. Writing better code, gaining new skills. Now it is a pleasure for me. One of the key reasons that I would like to continue my education there are unlimited layers of knowledge that await me and is at your fingertips. I am hungry for new knowledge, ready to learn and further self-education.
  3. 3. Involved. I learn or code almost every free moment. Sometimes from morning to night, with minor breaks. I put all my heart and time into it. I am ready for hard work and extremely determined to be better and better.

I as a person



I'm learning intensively, this is one of my most important goals in self-education. I mainly do this by solving practical tasks on Codewars and my own projects. I try to keep up to date with the news so I use in my code eg. const,arrow functions, ternary operator, classes, rest parameters,function programming (map, filter, reduce ...), template strings.

I can not imagine life without flexbox, vw, vh, em and percentages. I always have the pleasure of creating dynamic pages with transition, animation, hover, opacity and scale. In every project I try to test new cool effects. My experience with CSS realize me how it's deep, powerful and how much i can discover.



I always try to write semanthic code (use tags in valid way,validator, lints and use newest standard (HTML5, section, article, nav etc). I also try to separate the page visual effects (CSS) from its content (HTML).

I understand overall concept and learned the basics in practice when creating training web pages. Refreshing knowledge will take me about not much time. After all, I'm prefer creating the pages from scratch and in this direction I'm trying to grow.

Materialize & Bootstrap


Partials, placeholders, nesting (etc.) really helps in writing code, making it reusable, avoiding DRY(Dont Repeat Yourself) and is really nice combined with BEM. Now i don't imagine coding without SCSS.

Currently i write all my code in ES6 (still learn new things).


Ajax & JSON

I have learned the basics that I can apply in practice. I used JSON several times in projects and used Ajax in my own project count as a "tutorial" to display content in HTML using JSON. I am able to quickly refresh my knowladge.

Basic level. I can draw lines in AI, circles etc. and similar effects as well my own paths (weak cartoonist), import svg files into html and animate them. I also drew animated cat - click to watch! :)



I understand basic workflow. I try to use git commit before turning off my laptop. With little help i can work with team using git.

I like the simplicity of the configuration and the options it offers. I currently use it mostly in my new projects.



Basics. I've joined Typescript in my projects, which I really appreciate for catching errors and want know deeper.

Using documentation / Youtube tutorial it's no problem for me to comeback to writing in CofeeScript.



Currently, learning React it's my main target in my self-education.

With little help i can work using Webpack. I practiced it's configuration in one mini-project.



From all methodologies i chosen and test those both. Right now i go into BEM but can use OOCSS in future projects.

I understand how looks Scrum (sprint, stand-ups etc) and ready to work this way.


tic tac toe game

Tic tac toe game written in ES6, Typescript, Gulp & BEM. Written to learn this technologies in practice.


dr website

A page made for my fiancée - future doctor. The goal was to achieve a simple and responsive design.


dreamzone website

The more complex page with tabs. Dedicated to the idea of a company that fulfills the dreams of a client / loved ones.


catchdreamers website

Page advertising the graphics team of designers. I used the ideas of hexagons in this project as the main theme.


windows website

Windows 8 inspiration. Everyone knows it and saw it. I wanted to make page scrolled horizontally.


technology website

Website dedicated to new technologies. It let me test basic javascript and cool CSS effects.


materialize website

My next adventure with web components. This time, more understanding of how they work, I focused on placing many different effects on the page.


biameditek website

Challenge thrown by a friend. He wanted me to reproduce the page. You can judge how much I managed the challenge here: https://biameditek.pl/


bootstrap website

My first page for getting familiar with Bootstrap. Understanding how it works and creating it took me about 1-2 days.


krispol website

My first more serious site. In retrospect it seems simple, but once I was proud of creating it! The subject is a company dealing with interior finishing.
